

近年来,高空作业平台的使用量稳步上升,而全球租赁的MEWP (移动式升降工作平台)车队数量远远超过110万辆 ,人们可能会预期事故和致命伤害会同步上升。然而,国际动力通道联合会(IPAF)今年早些时候发布的一项研究发现,自2013年以来,致命伤害率实际上已从4%下降到3.5%


虽然这一数据令人鼓舞,但行业监管机构仍在继续评估标准,以提高MEWP的安全性,减少致命事故的数量。在马德里举行的IPAF峰会上,IPAF技术和安全主管Chris Wraith指出:"MEWP是防止高空坠落的解决方案之一,但我们应该认识到,MEWP会带来需要管理的危险。工程控制只是一种选择,该行业正开始在全球范围内共同努力,以确保持续改进"。

In an effort to further reduce the risk of MEWP-related injuries, IPAF has proposed a revision of ANSI safety standards and regulations. One of the biggest changes to come out of the proposed standards, which are expected to take effect in the second quarter of 2017, is the requirement for MEWPs to monitor work platform height.


The mechanism behind this height sensing capability? An inclinometer. Essential to a variety of other construction applications, inclinometers and tilt switches have been keeping workers safe on the job for more than half a century. With a wide operating range and exceptional accuracy, devices such as Fredericks’ 0729-1736-99 Dual-Axis Tilt Switch are ideal for measuring the angular movement of industrial machinery such as MEWPs. This tilt switch includes a core sensing element and electronics designed and manufactured by Fredericks at our Pennsylvania facility. It provides accurate and reliable tilt measurement for the chassis and/or platform of a MEWP and can be easily integrated into existing designs.


也许在MEWP安全方面,最重要的指标是倾角计的准确性和可重复性。传感器在这些方面的性能不佳可能会造成灾难性的后果,并导致严重的伤害或死亡。与MEMS设备等其他选择相比,Fredericks的电解倾角传感器的重复性小于±0.1°。此外,Fredericks 的倾角计和倾斜开关能够承受最严酷的条件,具有宽广的工作温度范围和最低 IP67 的环保等级。


For more than 85 years, The Fredericks Company has specialized in tilt measurement products and sensors that set standards and promise precision, all designed and manufactured with pride at our facility in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania. Today, our precise manufacturing processes produce the most accurate and advanced products on the market, ensuring perfection every time. A true specialty service provider, we are willing and eager to put our experience and capabilities to good use, helping OEMs achieve even the most complex designs.