
E-beam welding is a process where a high energy beam of electrons from an electron gun is accelerated and focused using electric and magnetic fields, and shot at two materials to join them. The kinetic energy of the electrons creates very high heat which melts the two materials together (electrons are particles with a very small mass, 9*10-31 kg or 2*10-30 lbs to be exact). The electron beam requires that the system be under vacuum to maintain the speed and focus of the electrons thus preventing beam dissipation or scattering (without vacuum, the electrons would run into other molecules in the atmosphere like nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapor, among others). This is where Televac® vacuum gauging comes in, to make sure that the system is under sufficient vacuum to operate correctly.

Vacuum Gauging Equipment for E-Beam Welding

当涉及到电子束焊接时,有两个相关的AMS规范,AMS 2680和AMS 2681。它们分别要求两个不同的真空度为1*10-4Torr和1*10-3Torr。请注意,这些都是针对航空航天规格的。根据系统的真空度和精度要求,Televac真空测量有几种选择,重要区别如下。

The first option is an active gauge solution. With an active gauge, the control electronics are attached directly to the physical sensor, then there are optional outputs to show the vacuum level including an analog 0 to 10 V output, RS-485 communications, EthernetIP, or PROFINET communications. The active gauges that would be used for E-Beam welding are an MX2A or MX4A (thermocouple vacuum gauges) for measurement from 1000 Torr down to 1*10-3 Torr and then an MX7B (cold cathode vacuum gauge) for measurement from 1*10-3 Torr and deeper vacuum (as low as 1*10-8 Torr).






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Active Vacuum Gauge Solutions

MX2A 热电偶主动真空计

MX2A Thermocouple (Pirani)
1*10-4 Torr to 1000 Torr


MX4A Convection (Pirani)
1*10-4 Torr to 1000 Torr


MX7B Cold Cathode
1*10-8 Torr to 1*10-3 Torr


MX Active Gauge EthernetIP Gateway
5*10-11 Torr to 10,000 Torr

Vacuum Controller Solutions

模块化真空控制器,提供 1E-11 至 10,000 托的全真空范围

1*10-11 Torr to 10,000 Torr

模块化真空控制器,提供 1E-11 至 10,000 Torr 的全真空范围,具有 EthernetIP 数字通信功能。

MX200 EthernetIP
1*10-11 Torr to 10,000 Torr

Modular vacuum controller that offers the full vacuum range of 1E-11 to 10,000 Torr with PROFINET digital communications.

1*10-11 Torr to 10,000 Torr

Televac® MV2A 单通道热电偶真空控制器

1*10-3 Torr to 20 Torr

2A热电偶真空压力表管 - 真空传感器

2A Thermocouple (Pirani)
1*10-3 Torr to 20 Torr


4A Convection (Pirani)
1*10-4 Torr to 1000 Torr

NW25/KF25 不锈钢 7B 潘宁磁控管冷阴极真空计 - 部件号:2-2100-272

7B Penning Magnetron Cold Cathode
1*10-7 Torr to 1*10-3 Torr